Berchtenbreiter GmbH
Mähderweg 1a
86 637 Rieblingen
+49 8 272 98 67 - 0
+49 8 272 98 67 - 30
Managing Director:
Roland Lebert
Register court:
Amtsgericht Augsburg
Register number:
HRB 10 749
VAT identification number according § 27 a VAT law:
DE 130 850 029
Person responsible for the internet content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MD St V:
Werner Vogelgsang.
Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links.
For the content of linked pages are their operators responsible.
Copyright and Trademarks:
The operator is always ready to consider the copyright of the graphics, sound files, video sequences and text of the publications that he uses.
The operator is always ready to consider the copyright of video sequences and texts to use as sound files, or graphics, sound files, video sequences and text that he has created or from royalty-free material.
All Internet offers and possibly protected brands and trademarks are subject without restriction to the provisions of applicable trademark law and the rights of the copyright owner.
Parts of the homepage contain widgets from, which have been installed unchanged.
The copyright for any material or materials created by the operators remain the sole property of the owner.
Reproduction or Use of graphics, sound files, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications without the consent of the owner and operator is not allowed.
Severability Clause:
Parts and or individual formulations of texts which are not current Law, and no longer completely correspond to parts of the document their content and validity are unaffected.